Friday, September 4, 2015

Book Review - Popular

    If you know me, you know that I love to read. Weather its magazines, books, blogs, even instructions to a board game, I love reading. Since I love reading so much you can imagine that I have read many books, more like 5 libraries full of books. (still not as much as my sister though) Out of all the books I have ever read in my lifetime, my most recent read takes home the prize for first place.

    A while back ago, I was on the Internet doing what the average Theresa does when she surfs the web - searched for random 50s stuff- but I found something interesting. I stumbled upon an article about the book Popular. After just hearing what the book was about in the first paragraph of the article, I knew I had to get my hands on this book. The book Popular By Maya Van Wagenen, is about socially awkward Maya who during her 8th grade year follows popularity advice from Betty Cornell's Teen-Age Popularity Guide, and makes life changing self discoveries, and learns the true meaning of popularity.

    One of the main reasons I am in love with this book, is that I can relate to Maya. I am a little bit awkward and quirky like her, and often have trouble trying to find where I fit in. Another reason I loved this book was that her book inspires me to be more confident. A lot of the things she has experienced in the book, I have also experienced like people not understanding my vintage outfits or hairstyles, and I felt like I was not alone in the struggle. Maya did some pretty brave things in that book I would be way to scared to do myself, like sitting at every table in the lunch room, and making friends with all the "Popular" kids.

    Maya Van Wagenen is truly an amazing author who inspires me, and I admire her for inspiring so many other girls all over the world. So this book may just be any other book to you, but it means a whole lot to me.


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