I FINALLY GOT MY MESSY HEADS MAG! I have been wanting this ever since I found out about the Messy Heads back in the spring. When I first heard about who the Messy Heads were, it just kind of clicked. They were everything I stood for and how I wanted to express myslef but didn't have the voice or know how to do so. They changed the way I see so many current issues, myself, people around me, and the whole world. They even influenced the way I write this blog. I used to only write about superficial things like antiques and clothes, but know in addition to that I have started to put out more meaningful content. All thanks to the way they inspired me.
Anyways, back to the mag. This magazine is page after page of inspiration and empowerment. Flipping through the seemingly endless words and art, I couldn't help but feel and home, and really in touch with my inner self. Getting to read things by other people who feel the same way I do made me fell less alone in this world. Trust me when I say this is more than just magazine, a website, or another group of wanna-be fake internet famous people- it is a revolution.
Thank you so much to all the Messy Heads out there- you changed my life.
The Messy Heads-
Buy the mag-
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