Thursday, December 31, 2015

Book Review- Your Beauty Mark by Dita Von Teese

I finally got it! Dita Von Teese's new book! Ever since I heard about it on Instagram, I have been dying to get my hands on it. Dita Von Teese is one of today's biggest vintage icons, and one of my many inspirations. So when I saw she wrote a book where she disclosed all her beauty secrets, I knew I had to have it.

I can't even begin to describe how amazing this book was. It isn't like most beauty books out there that constantly say the same things over and over again like a broken record. Dita's vintage charm made this book unique, interesting, and impossible to put down.

She included hair tutorials, makeup tutorials, beauty, and most important confident tips. This book was so well written and contained some of the most eloquent writing I have ever read in a book about beauty. Dita definitely has a way with words. This book is definitely a must have for all vintage glamour loving people, and beauty geeks.

The thing the stuck out most to me in this book, was how much confidence was squeezed in to every beauty tip or fun story. The book always made a point to kind of say 'You Do You' but in a very elegant and glamorous manner. Dita Von Teese is definitely an inspiration to me, not just because of her stunning looks, but her class and confidence.

Hope you enjoyed this book review, and stayed tuned because I am putting up another post right after this. I hope all you enjoyed your holidays and that you have a happy new year!

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