Tuesday, December 22, 2015

That One Vintage Blogger One Year Anniversary - 5 things I learned in my first year blogging

I can't believe it has been one whole year since I started this blog!!! I never thought that having a blog could make me so happy and change my life how this blog has. I am so thankful for all of you who have make it possible for me to feel this joy, and I hope my blog has shed some joy on your life too.

In honor of my one year anniversary, I have decided to make a list of 5 things I learned from my first year blogging.

5 Things I Learned In My First Year

1. Blogging is much harder than it looks

When I got the idea to start That One Vintage Blogger, I was under the impression that blogging was easy- and I soon found out just how wrong I was. I expected that it would take five minutes to think of and write a post, and that my blog would look beautiful and professional my first time trying. I also thought that I would just magically get page views out of nowhere (without advertising) and that within a month I would become Internet famous (HA!) Naturally, I found out the reality of blogging after a few months. The reality is posts take a long time to think of and write, my blog still after a year doesn't have the look I imagined for it, even after constantly advertising my page views are extremely low, and that nobody on the blogisphere knows who I am. Even after discovering these truths, I stuck with blogging because of how happy it made me, and I don't regret it one bit!

2. Don't care about what others think

Before I started this blog, I was very afraid of what others thought of me, and my weird taste in just about everything. I would never wear any of my vintage outfits in public because of the looks I was afraid I would get, and I most certainly never be telling my friend at school about my favorite band Dion and the Belmont's. After starting this blog, and truly getting to see the online vintage community, I have never felt more confident to be who I really am- a vintage loving weirdo!

3. Don't bite off more than you can chew

Even before I started my blog, I had a list of projects and posts I was going to do once I started up. Unfortunately, I haven't even got half of those things done after a year of blogging. My big plans interrupted the small things I needed to do in order to get my blog up and running in a timely fashion, for example advertising and using social media to extend my blogs reach. I am just recently catching up on those things, and they turn out to be very enjoyable tasks. It just would have been better if I would have worked my way up instead of working on these huge impossible projects.

4. Internet people are the best kinds of people

Since joining the world of blogging, I have discovered people I had only dreamed of finding, people just like me. This blog has given me a platform to find amazing people, who are into the same things I am, and are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Although I haven't actually met any of my online friends, they are constantly inspiring me, helping me, and giving me the confidence I need to proudly share my vintage life style with all of you. I would also like to thank all of my viewers for being so amazing and making this awesome journey possible, you guys all rock!

5. This blogging is one of the best things to ever happen to me

My life will be forever changed because of this blog and all of you. This first year has meant so much to me, and I am so excited for many years to come. This blog has made me so unbelievably happy, and  I hope it has shed some happiness on your life too. I have so many ideas for posts coming in the near future, so please keep tuning in for some cool posts.

Thank You so much for all you have done for me this past year! Happy Holidays!

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