Sunday, July 31, 2016

What I Learned in the Month of July

    July has been amazing, and has gone by surprisingly fast. It was a month filled with long practices, new foods, new books, new adventures,and mini road trips. Instead of making a July Favorites, focusing on the material things that I loved in July, and decided to talk about some things that I learned and the experiences behind them. Here it is: What I learned in July.

1. Watch where you are stepping (especially with no shoes on.)

    I learned this on my recent road trip. We were visiting Robert E. Treman State park were there was swimming, waterfalls and diving boards. While walking from the latter out of the water, and to the line for the diving board, I of coarse was not wearing shoes. And not paying attention. Naturally I stepped on a bee, and it stung me right in the middle toe. As if that wasn't bad, it ended up swelling three times it's size. Just my luck.

2. Don't read four books at once

    This summer I picked up a lot of cool new books to read. The only problem is I wanted to read all of them... at the same time. This made it a lot more confusing, and I am still working on finishing those four books right now.

3. People are going to judge you, but don't let it get to you

    So this summer I have kind of been taking a break with wearing makeup. It's too hot, Takes up too much time, and I shouldn't have to anyway. Of coarse once I started feeling confident about going bare faced, Someone had to ruin it. She said "Oh Theresa, you aren't wearing makeup... You look so... weird...I don't like it." and then made a discusted face. Obviously this upset me, but not too much because I realized, who cares. I'm just gonna do my thing.

4. I actually like (almost) all veggies :)

    So once you become vegan, some times there aren't a lot of options when your eating out or at someone else's house. This leaves you with one option, just straight up veggies. Old me would have been like "EWWW" but new me is like "Hey this is nice, I didn't know veggies were so good." I don't know, for some reason once you go vegan vegetables just taste better. I don't know.


    This one is kind of obvious, and one that I am reminded of every month. I found so many cool things on the internet I wanted to buy soooooo much, but unfortunately my wallet disagreed. I guess I have to start saving my money, and stop wasting it on dumb things like tea and anything that has the word vegan on it. Oh well.

That's it. I hope you all had an amazing July and that your August will be even better! Make sure so follow me on my social media (instagram) (twitter) for more updates about my summer and my life.

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